The first type is the legitimate, scientific, and serious question. These are the ones that typically start with a “why?” For example, why is the sky blue? You’ll probably have noticed that this is the same type of question that a child would ask. You give them an answer, however, and they then proceed to ask another question. Why? Because of the sun. But why because of the sun? Because of the way the sunlight interacts with the atmosphere. But why? And around in circles you go until you are exhausted and honestly don’t know the answer anyway. Today’s questions will not be like that. Today’s are the second type. These are the questions that don’t actually have a serious answer. They are the dead pan, satirical, and ironic version. These are the questions that you ask not to elicit a legitimate answer, but rather to get some laughs. These are 25 Goofy Questions To Liven Up Your Day! Featured Image: Jeff Djevdet via Flickr